Arrests Made After Motorcycle Rider Killed and Buried in Shallow Grave in Delta (Photos)

Two individuals have been apprehended by the Delta State Police command for purportedly killing a motorcycle rider, Sunday Ofishe, and burying his remains in a shallow grave in Mosogar, Ethiope West local government area of the state on January 14th.


The state Commissioner of Police, Mohammed Hafiz Inuwa, verified the incident, stating:

“The man happened to be a cyclist, so those suspects waylaid him, killed him and disposed him of his motorcycle. They later took the motorcycle to sell in Oghara with a bid to dispose of it. That was how we got them”.


In response to the tragic event, the deceased’s daughter, Miss Eloho Ofishe, recounted:

“He normally comes in the evening before leaving again, but when he did not return, we knew something was wrong on the 15th, the next day I reported the issue to the vigilante chairman, it was he who took me to the main station at Mosogar where I reported the case, they. ( the Police) reached out to other Police stations,” she narrated, crying profusely.


Subsequent police investigations led to the arrest of the two suspects who were caught in the process of disposing of the motorcycle. Following extensive interrogation, they confessed to the killing and led the police to a shallow grave where the body was found.

Alleged motorcycle rider murder and body burial in Delta