APM’s Plea to Osun Government: Accelerate Development of Crucial Infrastructure

Urging immediate action on critical infrastructure development, especially in road construction, healthcare, and education sectors, the Allied Peoples Movement (APM) in Osun State seeks to enhance the quality of life for citizens.

In a statement issued by Chairman Wale Adebayo in Osogbo on Sunday, the party emphasized the need for the state government to prioritize the repair of crucial road networks that are currently in a dire state.

Pointing out the heightened travel activity during the festive season, APM expressed concern over the potential safety risks posed by the poor condition of key roads.

Highlighting the lack of traffic control measures during the festive period, the party criticized the government for not ensuring the well-being of its people.

APM called for immediate actions to address the existing infrastructure gaps, specifically citing the LAMECO-Okefia-Old Garage road, which is in urgent need of repair for the convenience and safety of all citizens, both during the festive season and beyond.

Wishing for peace, prosperity, and advancement in Osun State and Nigeria as a whole, the party reiterated its appeal for swift action from the state government.

Recalling the state government’s ongoing efforts to rehabilitate and improve critical infrastructure, such as the construction of five flyovers in various towns and the expansion of major roads in Osogbo and other key areas.