APC Spokesman Attributes Gov’s Re-Election to Popularity

In a recent interview, the Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress in Imo State, Cajethan Duke, shared his thoughts on the tribunal verdict and other related matters.

The Labour Party has expressed dissatisfaction with the tribunal’s ruling that upheld your candidate, Governor Hope Uzodimma, as the victor of the November 11 gubernatorial election. How do you respond to their objections?

Each individual is entitled to their opinion in a democratic setting, which is the beauty of democracy. The Election Petition Tribunal’s decision accurately reflects the election’s outcome, with the governor’s landslide victory across all 27 local government areas showcasing his widespread popularity. Governor Uzodimma’s significant infrastructural developments and unwavering commitment to delivering tangible dividends of democracy have solidified his standing among the people of Imo State since his assumption of office. This popular support is well-deserved and not merely a result of his incumbency.

Opposition voices may not agree with your assessment.

The Governor’s policies are strategically aimed at rejuvenating the state’s economy for long-term sustainable growth. His transformative agenda transcends his tenure, focusing on initiatives that will transcend generations. Imo residents appreciate the Governor’s efforts, acknowledging the tangible progress made under his leadership. In a diverse democratic landscape, dissenting opinions are inevitable, and the opposition’s concerns can be channeled through due legal processes, enabling a fair and transparent resolution reflecting the will of the people.

Allegations of electoral malpractice and non-compliance have been directed at your party by the Labour Party. How do you address these accusations?

It is one thing to allege and another to substantiate. The burden of proof rests with the accuser, and in this case, the Labour Party has failed to provide compelling evidence to support their claims of irregularities. Transitioning responsibly from defeat to acceptance is crucial in upholding the democratic process. While contestation is inevitable in competitive politics, it is imperative to acknowledge the electoral outcomes and focus on constructive engagement for future elections.

There are assertions of INEC’s involvement in electoral impropriety during the election. How do you view these claims?

The credibility of INEC should not be undermined based on unsubstantiated allegations, particularly in light of previous elections where various parties secured victories under the same electoral body. Casting doubt on INEC’s integrity without concrete evidence undermines the electoral process and the sanctity of democratic principles.

The LP governorship candidate has vowed to pursue legal action to the Supreme Court. Is your party concerned about this?

The LP candidate’s decision to escalate the matter to the Supreme Court is within his rights, and we respect his pursuit of legal recourse. However, the existing evidence presented at the tribunal is unlikely to yield different outcomes at the Appeal Court level. Our focus remains on governance and delivering impactful governance to the people of Imo State.

There have been contrasting views on the Governor’s performance in office. What is your perspective on this?

Governance encompasses diverse sectors, and the Governor’s administration has made significant strides in critical areas such as infrastructure development, essential to driving economic growth. The Governor’s robust infrastructure projects are visible testaments to his commitment to advancing the state’s prosperity. While challenges persist, no single leader can resolve all societal issues instantaneously. Governor Uzodimma’s deliberate efforts to address the core needs of Imo residents demonstrate his dedication to fulfilling his mandate.