Another COVID-19 fatality reported in Lagos state

Confirmation has been made by Prof Akin Abayomi, the Commissioner for Health in Lagos state, about another recorded COVID-19 fatality in the state.

The deceased individual is a 35-year-old Nigerian man.

According to the health commissioner’s update on Twitter, the total number of confirmed cases in the state has increased to 1199, with 76 new positive test results reported on Monday, May 4.

Abayomi also disclosed that 261 COVID-19 patients have been discharged in the state, while the total number of COVID-19 related fatalities in Lagos has reached 31.

He conveyed the information via a tweet:

#COVID19Lagos update as at 4th of May, 2020

76 new COVID-19 infections confirmed in Lagos on the 4th of May, 2020

The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Lagos is now 1199

14 fully recovered #COVID19Lagos patients were discharged

The total number of discharged #COVID19 patients in Lagos is now 261

1 #COVID19 related death was recorded; the deceased is a 35-year-old Nigerian male. Total #COVID19 related deaths now stand at 31

Another COVID-19 fatality reported in Lagos state
Another COVID-19 fatality reported in Lagos state