Angela Merkel in self-isolation after her doctor tested positive for coronavirus

Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, has entered self-isolation after her doctor tested positive for coronavirus. Although it is believed that Merkel is not infected with Covid-19, as she was given a vaccine against pneumococcal infection by her doctor on Friday, March 20, she will undergo regular testing while in quarantine.

Her spokesman, Steffen Seibert, stated that she will continue her work from home for the time being. Merkel had previously expressed gratitude to Germans who were following the rules on social distancing, emphasizing the importance of maintaining at least 1.5 meters (about five feet) apart to reduce the likelihood of infection.

The 65-year-old German Chancellor emphasized the significance of obeying the rules, stating, “Thank you. I know it means making sacrifices, both personal and economic. I am very moved that so many people are obeying the rules. That’s how we show that we care for older people and the sick, for whom the virus is the most dangerous. In short, that’s how we save lives. The great aim is to gain time in the fight against the virus.”

In the last 24 hours, Germany recorded 2,442 new cases of the coronavirus, with 93 people dying from the disease in the country, which has a total of 24,806 confirmed cases of coronavirus.