Allegations of Baby Theft at Lagos Hospital

Accusations have been made by 31-year-old nurse, Mrs. Faith Obinna, against doctors at St. Raphael Divine Mercy Hospital in Ikorodu, Lagos State. She claims her baby was stolen from her shortly after giving birth at the hospital.

During her interview with NewTelegraph, Obinna revealed that she had received her pre-natal care at the Catholic hospital and had undergone three scans, all of which indicated that she was carrying a set of twins. However, only one baby was presented to her following her delivery on March 6, leaving her in shock.

Obinna alleges that her child was taken from the labour room of the hospital while she was still recovering from anaesthesia.

“On the first day I registered at the hospital, one doctor Ade that attended to me, asked me to go for a scan. The scan showed twins. The pregnancy was then four months. The second scan was to determine the sex of the babies. One was a boy, but the technician couldn’t tell the sex of the other baby because its leg covered the organ part. I was later handed over to doctor Uzoma, who took care of me until delivery.

On the day of the delivery, they tried to send my husband away, but he refused to go home. He went out to wait. After the operation, they called my husband and told him that it was only one baby inside my womb. Even though I was feeling groggy, I only heard the cries of one baby. I asked my husband, where is the other baby, the staff asked me to calm down. Four days later, my husband and I decided to raise the alarm. The chief medical doctor of the hospital asked me to accept just one baby, I refused.”

She also mentioned.

“When I was about to be discharged, I asked for my scan results, they refused to give them to me. Rather, they hid my file. When we wanted to leave, they locked the gate against us.”

After being allowed to leave, the couple shared their experience with friends and family who encouraged them to return to the hospital to demand answers. During their visit, a reverend father and a reverend sister were present at the meeting where the hospital staff claimed that there had been an error in the scan results.

“We asked for the scan result. They said that if they released the results, they wouldn’t like to see it on social media that it could affect the medical doctor and the hospital could be shut down. He said that what happened was scan error. I told them it was impossible. I know that scan error could occur in sex, but not where twins’ detention is concerned. I saw the babies with my two eyes. I know they are with one of my babies. The reverend asked us to have mercy. He promised to refund all money we had spent since I registered with the hospital. We refused.”

When interviewed, Dr Uzodinma, a consultant gynaecologist at the hospital, spoke about the situation.

“First of all, it’s not my hospital, it’s a Catholic hospital. I’m a consultant gynaecologist with the hospital. Faith Obinna was my patient. I gave her my phone number; if I wanted to steal her baby, I wouldn’t have given her my number. The true situation of things is that in November 2019, I asked her to do a scan, which she did in the hospital, with one of our male staff. The scan showed two foetuses.”