Advice from Former President Buhari to Nigerians: Cultivate Your Own Food, Manage Population

In a recent statement, Former President Muhammadu Buhari encouraged Nigerians to prioritize farming for their food needs and to address the issue of population growth.

Buhari commended the increasing number of Nigerians who have returned to agriculture, emphasizing the importance of sustaining this trend.

Expressing worry over the unchecked population growth in the country, Buhari stressed the urgent need for attention to this pressing issue.

During a press interaction following his participation in the Kofor Arewa Eid prayer in Katsina, Buhari highlighted the current challenges facing the nation.

“There is a critical necessity for more conversations and awareness regarding the issue of uncontrolled population growth, alongside increased investments in education and healthcare,” Buhari remarked.

Encouraging self-sufficiency in food production, Buhari urged citizens not to waver in their efforts, especially in the face of rising prices, emphasizing the importance of supporting local products.

Reflecting on the foundation laid by past administrations for national development, Buhari urged the younger generation to actively engage in nation-building initiatives to ensure a prosperous and stable future.