A Nigerian Artist Who Folds Books to Create Beautiful Art

One Nigerian artist has taken to folding the pages of books to craft beautiful works of art.


Chuka Nwanazia, a Nigerian writer based in The Netherlands, has used book pages to create stunning images, including feet, a symbol of love, and the word “LOVE”.


Creative book art by a Nigerian artist


For Nwanazia, this artistic endeavor serves as a relaxing and enjoyable activity.


Intricate book art by a Nigerian artist

Artistic book folding by a Nigerian creator


Accompanied by images of his book art, Nwanazia expressed, “Old pictures but I still love them like I made them yesterday. Haven’t had the time to fold books in a while, but this is what I do with my old books. I fold them and turn them into book art. Book folding is a way of relaxing for me. It’s so peaceful and I love it.”


Artistic expression through book folding by a Nigerian creator

Creative book folding by a Nigerian artist