A Call for Competent and Capable Leadership in PDP Kaduna – Aspirant Waziri

In Kaduna, a notable figure within the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Ashafa Waziri, emphasized the importance of choosing competent and capable leaders who can effectively steer the party towards greater achievements in the upcoming 2027.

During a press briefing on Wednesday, Waziri stressed the need for leaders who are fair, just, and willing to dedicate their time, expertise, connections, and financial resources for the progress and welfare of the PDP.

Confident in his vision and strategies, he believes he can elevate the PDP in Kaduna State to new heights and position the party for success in the 2027 elections.

With unwavering faith in divine support and the backing of his numerous supporters, Waziri expressed optimism about the PDP’s resurgence and its capacity to lead Nigeria out of its current challenges.

Aspiring for the PDP Chairmanship in Kaduna State, Waziri outlined that his leadership approach will be anchored on principles of justice, equity, accountability, inclusivity, and transparency, promising to revamp the party and ensure all members are carried along if elected as state chairman.

Recalling a previous attempt to vie for the state chairmanship, Waziri is convinced he possesses the necessary qualities to revitalize the state PDP chapter and enhance its performance.

“I am equipped with the requisite skills, knowledge, vigor, and determination to be the unifying force that will bring together the PDP in Kaduna State and revive its former glory,” he affirmed.

Reflecting on the setbacks faced by the party in past elections, Waziri lamented the crisis and defeats suffered in 2015, as well as subsequent losses in the 2019 and 2023 elections, highlighting the urgent need for change in strategy as they prepare for the 2027 polls.

“My decision to contest for the state chairman position in the upcoming congresses is fueled by a commitment to lay a solid foundation for the 2027 elections,” Waziri stated, expressing confidence in his ability to rally support across the state for the PDP’s victory in 2027.