A 27-year-old graduate shares how he funded his education by selling moin moin

Olaleye Adigun, who funded his college education by selling moin moin, shares with TEMITOPE ADETUNJI the inspiration behind his entrepreneurial journey

Can you talk about your family background?

I am Olaleye Afeez, popularly known as Mc Oropo. I am a 27-year-old graduate of Adeseun Ogundoyin Polytechnic in Eruwa, Oyo State.

In my family, I have two elder brothers, two younger brothers, and our parents. I am the third child and we come from Ibadan, where I was born and raised.

What inspired you to start selling moin moin to support your education?

My journey began after completing secondary school in 2013. Due to challenges with exams, I faced delays in furthering my education. It wasn’t until 2016 that I finally completed my WAEC and gained admission to college.

My family lacks a history of higher education, so I felt the need to be self-reliant and not burden my parents with all my expenses. This led me to explore entrepreneurial ventures that led me to selling moin moin.

When did you start your moin moin business?

In 2019, I fully immersed myself into the moin moin business.

How did your friends and family react to you selling moin moin?

While facing discouragement from some, my mother and girlfriend stood by me. Their support and understanding of my aspirations kept me going, regardless of the challenges and criticisms.

Why did you decide to stop the business?

I had to halt the moin moin business when I transitioned to the NYSC phase, marking a new chapter in my life.

Let’s talk about your personal life. How did you meet your wife?

I met my wife on Facebook in 2017. She couldn’t pursue higher education due to family circumstances, but we connected and eventually got married.

When did you realize that she was the one you wanted to marry?

Our bond grew stronger after my NYSC service, and that’s when I knew she was the one for me.

When was the wedding held?

The wedding took place after my NYSC service.

How do you feel about being married?

Our wedding took place on February 22nd of this year. I find marrying my wife to be incredibly fulfilling. She has been a constant source of support and encouragement, always by my side through the ups and downs. Her presence brings me immense joy, and I am thankful to have her with me every step of the way.

Given your current unemployment situation, what plans do you have in mind to support your family?

I used to work as a technician in a company before losing my job shortly after our wedding. While I am currently not employed, I am actively seeking new job opportunities. Additionally, I am contemplating the idea of initiating a small business to contribute to my family’s well-being. I am committed to finding ways to provide for my family and will persist in my efforts towards this goal. Additionally, I also work as a master of ceremonies, taking on small gigs that aid in our financial stability.

Are you actively pursuing employment opportunities?

I am exploring various business concepts, yet I lack the necessary capital to launch them. Instead of actively job-hunting, I am inclined towards establishing my own business ventures.

Did the income from your Moin-moin venture assist in financing your wedding expenses?

The proceeds from my moin-moin business did not cover our wedding expenses. Our wedding was simple and modest, held at the registry without extravagant costs. While we envision a grander celebration in the future, we are content with the simplicity of our union for now.

What is your wife’s occupation?

She is involved in the POS business.

How does it feel to be the first graduate in your family?

It brings me immense joy and pride. Serving as a role model for my younger siblings and cousins is truly fulfilling. Their aspirations to emulate my educational journey serve as great motivation for me. Witnessing them pursue their studies because of my influence fills me with gratitude and a sense of accomplishment, underscoring the value of hard work and determination in achieving success.

Did you find your moin-moin and pure water businesses to be distractions during your academic pursuits?

Balancing my businesses with my studies was a challenging endeavor. I prioritized both endeavors, maintaining a strict schedule to manage my time effectively. Despite the difficulties, I persevered and ensured that neither aspect impeded the other, demonstrating dedication and discipline in managing these responsibilities simultaneously.

How impactful was the earnings from your Moin-moin business in supporting your education?

The revenues from my moin-moin business significantly aided in funding my two-year HND program and supported me for several months before my NYSC. Upon completion of NYSC, lack of capital prevented me from continuing the business.

What occupations do your parents hold? You mentioned your mother’s support during a certain period.

My father works as a bricklayer, while my mother engages in trading provisions. Both parents have been sources of support in various ways.

What advice would you offer to young individuals facing financial challenges in pursuing their education?

Drawing from my experiences, I encourage them to consider initiating small businesses as a means of financial support. By avoiding risky endeavors and staying focused, coupled with trust in their abilities and divine assistance, they can navigate financial obstacles while believing in their potential for success.

How has your perception of education evolved over time?

Education holds immense significance in my life. It has served as a cornerstone of my achievements, providing me with essential knowledge and skills essential for success. Education not only facilitates personal growth but also opens doors to diverse opportunities, enabling me to reach new heights and forge valuable connections.

Did you face any academic challenges or fail any courses?

Fortunately, I did not encounter any failures in my academic pursuits.

What were the obstacles you encountered while balancing business endeavors with your studies?

Juggling academic commitments and business responsibilities presented significant challenges. Late nights, early mornings, and constant time management were essential in maintaining this delicate balance. Sacrifices were made, social activities were limited, but through perseverance and dedication, I overcame these obstacles to accomplish my goals.

For what are you most thankful to God?

I express gratitude for becoming the first graduate in my family and for the journey that led me to where I am today.