Gunmen Kill Two Policemen and Driver, Abduct Ex-Rep and Children

In a tragic incident in Asaba, Delta State, two police officers assigned to former House of Representatives member Joan Onyemaechi and her driver were killed by gunmen who also abducted the ex-lawmaker and her children. The attack occurred at Onyemaechi’s church, King Jesus and I, situated on Ogajifo Street off DSB Road.

Reports from the scene indicated that the assailants opened fire, resulting in the death of the police officers and the driver before taking Onyemaechi and her children away. Tragically, a bystander was also fatally shot by a stray bullet during the violent incident.

Witnesses recounted how the gunmen seized Onyemaechi in her SUV and fired indiscriminately while fleeing the area. The former Commissioner for Technical Education had recently resigned from her position to support her brother’s candidacy in the council elections.

Confirming the abduction, Delta State Police Public Relations Officer SP Bright Edafe acknowledged the loss of a police officer and another individual in the attack but clarified that only Onyemaechi was taken by the perpetrators.