Call for Increased Involvement of Private Sector by AfDB

Encouraging Nigeria and other African countries to enhance the role of the private sector in their economies for greater impact was emphasized by the African Development Bank Group.

The bank unveiled 54 Country Focus Reports on Tuesday, aimed at enriching policy discussions on the macroeconomic performance and future outlook of individual nations, serving as a valuable tool for policymakers, governments, and development partners.

Highlighting recommendations in five crucial areas, including boosting private sector participation, the report stressed, “The private sector is crucial in funding African economies. Nations must promote increased private sector involvement in the economy to supplement public investments, particularly in sectors with significant social benefits, such as environmental initiatives and human capital development.”

Despite contributing minimally to the climate crisis, African countries are disproportionately impacted. Enhancing the global climate finance framework to improve coordination and facilitate African countries’ access to climate funding is essential.

Other areas of focus comprised the necessity for multilateral development banks to revamp their models to offer substantial long-term concessionary finance to African nations, improving debt resolution mechanisms, and bolstering domestic resource mobilization.

Commenting on the country focus reports, Prof. Kevin Urama, the Chief Economist & Vice President for Economic Governance and Knowledge Management at the African Development Bank Group, stated, “The reports present bold recommendations for funding structural changes at the national level by restructuring the global financial framework to better address the increasing development financing needs of African countries, exacerbated by periodic global and domestic crises.”

The reports also outlined Africa’s financial requirements and shortfalls, along with the shortcomings of the current global financial system in supporting Africa’s structural transformation until 2063.

The launch of the country focus reports is scheduled over three days starting from Tuesday until Thursday.

AfDB indicated that the country focus report aligns with the theme of the 2024 African Economic Outlook report, titled ‘Driving Africa’s Transformation: The Reform of the Global Financial Architecture’.