The importance of credible data in the Aviation Industry, according to AGHAN

Olaniyi Adigun, the Chairman of the Aviation Ground Handling Association of Nigeria, emphasized the necessity of credible data for the aviation industry to overcome its current challenges in the country. He highlighted the significance of tracking activities and achievements through reliable data.

Adigun underscored the importance of collaboration and consolidation in fostering prosperity within the Nigerian aviation sector. He mentioned that the industry could learn from the financial sector’s evolution, which thrived on collaboration, consolidation, and partnerships.

Speaking at a gathering of aviation stakeholders in Lagos, Adigun expressed regret that the sector did not receive the same level of recognition as critical businesses in other industries.

He pointed out the challenges posed by the increasing exchange rate, emphasizing that no organization or airline could thrive in isolation. Adigun warned that without partnerships, the sector might face a risk of collapse.

Adigun suggested the need for an economic summit to attract investors and address the challenges faced by the Nigerian aviation business. He emphasized the importance of collaboration among industry players, drawing a parallel with the seamless transactions seen in the financial sector.

Questioning the difficulty in obtaining adequate data despite the presence of government agencies in the industry, Adigun highlighted the crucial role of authentic data in guiding decision-making processes in the aviation sector.

Umar Farouk, the Managing Director of the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency, advocated for an increase in en-route navigational charges and service fees to ensure sustainable operations amidst rising costs.

Farouk emphasized the critical nature of the agency’s role in ensuring airspace safety and the need for sufficient funding to fulfill its responsibilities effectively. He justified the proposed fee increases as essential for maintaining operational standards and covering rising operational costs.

In summary, the call for credible data, collaboration, and financial sustainability echoes throughout the discussions among industry experts and stakeholders, underscoring the importance of unified efforts to navigate the challenges facing the aviation sector in Nigeria.