Tragic Incident in Imo: Gunmen Claim One Life and Burn Government Vehicle

In Owerri North Local Government Area of Imo State, a young man fell victim to gunmen’s actions on a tragic Tuesday afternoon.

Only a day earlier, in Irette, Owerri West LGA, four police officers and a point-of-sale operator lost their lives in another violent incident within the state.

The gunmen, while moving towards Owerri-Enugu Road, fired shots into the air, creating panic. They also set fire to a vehicle belonging to the Imo State Government Waste Management Agency at Nkwo Orji Market in Owerri North.

Upon arrival at Nkwo Orji Market, PUNCH Metro witnessed the vehicle engulfed in flames.

According to eyewitnesses, the gunmen were heard shouting, “Stay indoors. Your safety during the sit-at-home depends on it.”

“Traders and customers hurriedly sought refuge, leaving behind their goods and vehicles in a bid to save their lives.”

PUNCH Metro observed that commuters were left stranded, with few buses venturing out of fear for their safety.

In response to the incident, Assistant Superintendent of Police Henry Okoye, the Police Public Relations Officer, reassured, “Extensive police presence has been established in Orji. The situation is being effectively managed. The perpetrators of these violent acts will face the full force of the law.”