Ekiti Monarchs Urge Caution Amidst Call for Protest

Expressing deep concern, Oba Ayorinde Ilori-Faboro, the Chairman of the Ekiti State Council of Traditional Rulers and the Olojudo of Ido-Ekiti, raised alarms about the upcoming protest scheduled to commence on Thursday and its potential repercussions on the security of Ekiti State and the nation.

Following the monthly statutory meeting of the council where critical matters regarding state and national security were discussed, the traditional ruler issued a statement on Tuesday characterizing the protest call as a catalyst for chaos and instability.
Recalling the aftermath of a similar protest in October 2020 which led to widespread destruction and violence, Oba Ilori-Faboro emphasized the detrimental effects of such actions.

Appealing to all Ekiti indigenes in the state and across Nigeria, the chairman of the traditional council urged them to abstain from participating in the protest and instead encouraged constructive engagement with governments at all levels, highlighting that many of the demanded issues cannot be promptly resolved through decree.

“The Council has taken note of the proposed public protest on August 1, 2024, under the hashtag #NationalDayofRage.

“While acknowledging the right of Nigerians to peaceful protests, the Council views this call for protest as potentially inciting chaos and instability, reminiscent of the events in 2020.

“The Council calls on the Ekiti State Government and security agencies to take necessary measures to safeguard the existing peace and order in Ekiti State.

“While commending the government for its vigorous efforts in addressing the numerous economic and food-related challenges in the country, we urge governments at all levels to expedite policy actions and implement strategies to tackle the current adversities,” the traditional ruler affirmed.