Youth Empowerment through NASFAT’s Tech and Renewable Energy Initiatives

NASFAT, the Nasrul-lahi-li Fathi Society of Nigeria, has revealed its ambitious ventures into technology and renewable energy programs, with the goal of empowering the youth in Nigeria, West Africa, and the United Kingdom.

Aligned with NASFAT’s central mission of equipping young people with essential industry skills, these initiatives aim to uplift and support the youth.

ACTIVATE initiative’s Program Coordinator, Hammed Ajiroba, announced the organization’s plan to introduce a renewable energy program following the successful launch of its technology cohorts.

Spanning across various Nigerian cities, as well as Accra and Abidjan, the new educational program will focus on providing training in the critical field of renewable energy.

Expressing enthusiasm for the initiative, NASFAT’s Economic Empowerment Committee Secretary, Noibi Kazeem, highlighted the positive impact of the technology cohorts and their potential.

Kazeem mentioned, “Our technology cohorts have established a benchmark for excellence, showcasing the tremendous capabilities of our participants. Building on this success, we are thrilled to offer specialized training in renewable energy, commencing with a focus on solar power and inverter technology.”

The renewable energy training program aims to equip participants with practical skills in the design, installation, and maintenance of solar power systems and inverters.

NASFAT emphasized that to enrich the learning journey, ACTIVATE plans to incorporate workshops, hands-on projects, and seminars led by industry experts.

The program also provides scholarships and flexible payment options to ensure inclusivity and accessibility.

“Our dedication lies in extending these life-altering opportunities to as many deserving individuals as possible,” stated Ajiroba.