Support for Local Government Autonomy by Governors: A Critical Step

In response to the recent Supreme Court ruling granting financial autonomy to local governments, governors have shown mixed reactions. The Chairman of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum, AbdulRazaq AbdulRahman welcomed the decision, acknowledging the relief it brings from the financial burden placed on governors. He emphasized the importance of devolving power in this aspect and highlighted the lack of transparency around the expenses incurred by states in supporting local governments.

Despite the public support for the ruling, there are indications that some governors are not entirely aligned with the Federal Government’s push for local government autonomy. Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, a member of the opposition party, criticized the focus on autonomy as a distraction from more pressing issues surrounding productivity and value creation.

It is evident that governors, particularly through their influence on state Houses of Assemblies, have consistently opposed granting full autonomy to local governments. Previous legislative rejections of bills aimed at this autonomy attest to their reluctance to relinquish control over local government affairs.

Recognizing the significance of empowering local governments financially, President Bola Tinubu spearheaded the crusade for autonomy by advocating for direct allocation of funds to councils. The Federal Government’s legal action at the Supreme Court sought to enforce this autonomy and prevent governors from unduly interfering in local government operations.

The Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of direct payment of council allocations marks a pivotal moment in promoting local government independence. The court’s stance against gubernatorial appointment of caretaker committees underscores the importance of democratic governance at the local level.

Moving forward, it is crucial for governors to rally behind the efforts towards local government autonomy championed by Tinubu. Their support is vital in ensuring the effective establishment of local councils as independent entities governed by democratically elected officials.

State governors will continue to wield significant influence in the election of local government chairmen, emphasizing the need for governors to realize that empowering local governments financially is essential for genuine grassroots development and the enhancement of democracy.

This move towards democratic re-engineering and national restructuring is eagerly anticipated by many Nigerians. There is a growing expectation for the country to undergo restructuring under the current president, given his track record. During his tenure as governor (1999-2007), he staunchly advocated for true federalism, even engaging in legal battles with President Olusegun Obasanjo, notably over the creation of 37 new local governments in Lagos State. The Supreme Court ultimately upheld the legality of the new councils, which were reconstituted as Local Council Development Areas (LCDAs) under Asíwájú Tinubu’s innovative approach, significantly contributing to developmental expansion in Lagos.

An additional crucial issue tackled during Asiwaju Tinubu’s governorship was the control of urban and regional planning within states. By initiating a case that reached the Supreme Court, the matter of land ownership and authority over development plans was clarified. The court ruled in favor of states having the power to grant building approvals and development plans for federally-acquired lands within their territories, while affirming the Federal Government’s right to acquire lands in states.

Tinubu’s commitment to restructuring is evident through ongoing efforts to strengthen democratic institutions and promote fiscal federalism. Notably, the recent signing of the Electricity Act 2023 marked a significant milestone under his administration, focusing on improving the regulation and management of the electricity sector with increased involvement of sub-national governments. Progress continues with the Presidential Fiscal Policy and Tax Reforms Committee spearheading comprehensive tax reforms to enhance fiscal federalism.

Moving forward, achieving genuine local government autonomy and bolstering democratic governance in Nigeria necessitates legislative actions at both state and national levels. It is imperative for the National Assembly to reform laws governing local government elections, transferring the responsibility of conducting these elections to the Independent National Electoral Commission for impartiality. This shift aims to reduce state governors’ undue influence over the electoral process and uphold the integrity of local government polls.

During a meeting with Yoruba elders at the Presidential Villa on April 16, 2024, Tinubu emphasized the importance of a systematic approach to restructuring, likening it to a baby learning to walk. Rushing the process, he stated, could lead to instability. This cautious yet deliberate strategy underscores the president’s commitment to ensuring a solid foundation for Nigeria’s restructuring efforts.

  • Rahman is a senior presidential aide