The Federal Government Encourages INGOs to Abide by Rules of Engagement

Emphasizing the importance of adhering to established rules of engagement, the Federal Government has called on international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) to operate within designated areas. The Minister of Budget and Economic Planning, Atiku Bagudu, made this statement during a one-day interactive forum in Abuja, themed “Enhancing Cooperation and Coordination of the INGOs’ Community”.

The forum aimed to improve coordination and collaboration structures, align efforts with national priorities in humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding sectors, and address bureaucratic and administrative challenges. The Minister stressed that violations of engagement rules will not be tolerated, urging INGOs to stay within operational boundaries.

Representing the Minister, Dr. Bolaji Onalaja, the Special Adviser, reasserted the government’s commitment to fostering sustainable development and ensuring the well-being of all citizens. Cooperation was highlighted as essential for the successful coordination of developmental programs by INGOs in Nigeria to contribute effectively to socioeconomic development.

He acknowledged the invaluable contribution of INGOs in bridging gaps that the government alone cannot address fully, providing essential services in key sectors such as healthcare, education, and livelihoods. The Minister urged a higher level of collaboration and innovation to maximize the impact of INGO efforts.

Lynn Van Beek, the Director of Nigeria INGO Forum, emphasized the importance of government cooperation for the seamless implementation of humanitarian programs, advocating for the elimination of bureaucratic hurdles hindering operational efficiency. She underscored the need for meaningful dialogue between INGOs and government authorities to address ongoing challenges.

INGOs have played a pivotal role in complementing government efforts by delivering critical services to vulnerable populations, significantly impacting communities nationwide. In 2022, INGOs implemented numerous projects across various states, strengthening key sectors like healthcare and education, especially in conflict-affected regions.