Midfielder Onyedika Unwilling to Accept Lucrative Offer from Saudi Arabia

Raphael Onyedika, the talented midfielder from Club Brugge, recently expressed his reluctance to pursue a career in the Middle East at this juncture.

Reports suggest that Onyedika has attracted interest from a Saudi Arabian club willing to shell out €20 million to secure the services of the Nigerian player.

Despite the tempting offer on the table, the 23-year-old is hesitant to make a move to Saudi Arabia.

Speaking to SportsBoom, Onyedika stated, “I’m uncertain if the Middle East aligns with my current career development goals.”

Nevertheless, he hinted at a potential future stint in the Premier League, saying, “Destinations like these are hard to resist for any footballer. If the opportunity arises and all factors fall into place, I would definitely consider it.”