NBA Urges Organizers to Cancel Planned Hunger Protest

The Nigerian Bar Association is appealing to the organizers of the upcoming #EndBadGovernance nationwide protest, scheduled to commence on August 1, to reconsider and call it off.

In a statement issued on Monday, the President of the NBA, Mr. Yakubu Maikyau (SAN), urged the government, organizers, and supporters of the protest to engage in a sincere discussion on how to address the current situation for the welfare of all citizens.

Maikyau emphasized that past mass protests in the country have been infiltrated by criminal elements who take advantage of the situation to commit violent acts.

Expressing concerns that the planned protest could escalate into civil unrest worse than the existing challenges, he urged Nigerians to reflect on the potential consequences of such actions on security, the economy, and the collective existence.

He appealed, stating, “I urge those planning to participate in the street protest to reconsider and envision the possible outcomes, especially concerning our security, economy, and survival.

“Historically, mass protests have been hijacked by malicious elements, transforming peaceful demonstrations into violent riots, which can result in disastrous civil unrest. We must prevent such chaos from occurring considering the adversity faced by nations currently embroiled in conflicts with destruction and carnage at large.”

Maikyau called for a halt to the protest and advocated for a constructive dialogue among the government, organizers, and supporters to initiate interventions that will ameliorate the conditions of the populace.

Suggesting regular engagement mechanisms between the government and the people, he proposed the establishment of timelines for specific actions aligned with the prevailing circumstances.

The outgoing NBA president urged lawmakers at both national and state levels to promptly communicate government plans to address the people’s demands to their constituents.

Additionally, he implored the government to expedite measures to revive the economy and swiftly tackle the prevailing insecurity that fuels hunger and poverty in the nation.

“We have persistently drawn attention to the country’s hardships and urged the government to take decisive actions to alleviate hunger and poverty resulting mainly from widespread insecurity,” he highlighted.

Addressing the nexus between security and economic stability, The NBA emphasized, “Our nation’s current state is largely a consequence of corruption across public and private sectors, necessitating informed investments in security to safeguard the economy and the well-being of citizens.”

The statement put forward the proposition for a National Security Summit involving current and former military, police, intelligence personnel, and law enforcement officers to reassess the country’s security landscape, propose feasible solutions, and map out implementation strategies.

“It is essential to involve traditional and religious leaders in this dialogue process, assigning them specific roles. Civil society organizations should be actively engaged in the discourse and monitor the implementation of agreed decisions,” the statement concluded.