Study Claims Cannabis Usage Can Lead to Decline in Memory, Concentration, and Decision Making

According to researchers, the use of cannabis has been linked to negative effects on memory, concentration, and decision-making.


A group of Canadian experts conducted a review of scientific evidence regarding the drug, cautioning that the impacts of cannabis can persist beyond the period of intoxication.


The University of Montreal scientists suggested that children who use cannabis may experience academic difficulties due to its effects. Meanwhile, adults who consume the drug, classified as a class B substance in Britain, may encounter challenges at work or face impaired driving abilities. The review, published in the journal Addiction, concluded that the impairments “may be worse in regular and heavy users.”


Researchers emphasized the need for more preventive measures in schools to discourage chronic cannabis use among adolescents.


Montreal academics examined existing cannabis studies involving over 43,000 individuals. The study explored the impact of the drug on memory, learning, attention, processing speed, language, and motor function as well as the immediate and long-term cognitive effects.


The studies analyzed varied in size and encompassed a range of smoking habits, from daily use to abstinence.


The findings suggested that heavy and frequent cannabis use can impair decision-making, flexible thinking, and self-control. Other studies indicated that regular cannabis use may hinder individuals’ ability to control behavior and make appropriate decisions.


Additionally, research showed that adults who were given THC, the psychoactive component responsible for the ‘high’, performed poorly on memory tests. However, the effects on memory caused by regular cannabis use were not consistent across all studies.


Dr. Alexandre Dumais, a psychiatrist and co-author of the study, argued that cannabis usage can impair various cognitive functions, leading to problems with concentration, remembering, learning, and impacting users’ daily lives. He also highlighted the potential consequences of cannabis use, such as reduced educational attainment in youth and poor work performance and dangerous driving in adults, particularly for regular and heavy users.


Prior studies have shown that cannabis, which is used medicinally in many parts of the world, can alleviate depression, anxiety, and stress. However, heavy use may have long-term detrimental effects such as reducing the brain’s ability to let go of negative memories and exacerbating mental health problems or increasing the risk of psychosis or schizophrenia among users.