Police in Kano intercept vehicle containing IEDs

The Kano State Police Command has successfully intercepted a vehicle that was found to be carrying sophisticated improvised-explosive devices (IEDs).


According to Abdullahi Kiyawa, the spokesperson for the state police, the vehicle was apprehended as it attempted to enter Kano from Jigawa State.


Kiyawa mentioned that the Police Commissioner in the state, Sama’ila Dikko, deployed a specialized team including the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)– Chemical, Biological Radiological and Nuclear Defence (EOD-CBRN) and Operation Puff Adder upon receiving intelligence regarding the situation.


The official statement revealed;


“After a pursuit, the suspects abandoned the motor vehicle at Bubbugaje Quarters in Kumbotso LGA, Kano State.”


Following a thorough search of the vehicle, law enforcement officers discovered that it was “fully loaded with improvised explosive device materials”.


In addition to the IED materials, authorities also recovered two AK-47 rifles, four AK-47 magazines, 1,098 live ammunition, and two pistol magazines.


Kiyawa stated that an investigation into the incident has been initiated and assured that the suspects will be apprehended.