Popular Nollywood Actor Living in Slums Complains About Unfulfilled Payment Promises

A Nollywood actor has come forward to shed light on the meager earnings he receives for his roles in films.

In an interview with @skibocomedy7, the actor revealed the challenging circumstances he faces, including residing in a deteriorating zinc house riddled with holes.

He lamented the practice of being assured a payment of N10,000 for a job but only receiving N1,000 upon completion, with the promise of the remainder being transferred to his account, which never materializes.

He also expressed that such dismal conditions led him to withdraw from such work.

Additionally, the actor exposed the harsh working conditions he often encounters on set, where producers show little concern for the well-being of the actors, disregarding sickness and hunger.

He highlighted the absence of provided meals on set and how, even when he managed to purchase food for himself, producers immediately demanded his service.

Speaking in local language, he expressed, “You may be called for a job worth N10k, but upon completion, you are given only N1k with the promise of the remainder being paid into your account, but you never receive it. That’s why I gave up on such jobs,”

He also lamented, “You may produce a project that garners millions on YouTube, but you won’t even offer to cover my food expenses. I end up using borrowed money to buy food for myself after the job.”