Zoo Attendant’s Ill-Advised Attempt to Amuse Tourists by Interacting with Lion Goes Awry, Resulting in Finger Injury [VIDEO]

A zoo guide experienced intense pain while attempting to showcase his interaction skills with a lion while on duty.

A group of tourists had gathered at the St. Elizabeth zoo in Jamaica, where a zoo attendant, in an effort to entertain the visitors, decided to engage with one of the lions in front of them.

Unfortunately, the attempt to amuse and impress the tourists did not unfold as planned, leading to the attendant’s finger becoming caught in the hungry lion’s mouth.

When the attendant extended his hand through the chain-linked lion’s cage, he suffered the consequences as his right ring finger was partially bitten off.

Reportedly, the incident took place at approximately 4:22 p.m. on Friday, May 20, and the distressing scene was recorded on camera.

View the video below;

Here are some reactions to the video –

db_naturals_ expressed;

Why would you stand so close to a lion? Do you think this is a Bollywood movie?

mrlilgaga commented;

Now that the lion has tasted human blood, it will seek more and become too dangerous. It needs to be relocated to the deep bush, or we risk the safety of visitors and staff.

_chynwe remarked;

Now you have a tale to share with your children, people can act foolishly. If you claim that you were assisting Samson in fighting a lion, that would be a lie.

vivian__chidimma stated;

You never fed the lion. When you offer your hand, he will surely bite the fingers that fed him.