700 cows distributed among 5,600 people in Kano

The distribution of meat from 700 cows to 5,600 individuals across Kano State was inaugurated by Governor Abba Yusuf on Sunday.

This charitable act was made possible through the collaboration of HASENE, a German-based organization, with the BARIS Foundation, in celebration of Eid-el-Kabir for the year 1445AH.

Expressing his joy at the act of kindness, Yusuf launched the symbolic distribution at Bayero University, anticipating a positive impact on the many individuals in need.

A press statement from the Director-General of Media and Publicity, Sanusi Dawakin Tofa, conveyed the governor’s call for the administrators and distributors to uphold justice and show a devout reverence for Allah.

This directive aims to ensure the proper fulfillment of their duties and the achievement of the Kurban project’s goals within the state.

Governor Yusuf also advocated for extending the meat distribution to hospital patients, residents of care facilities, and the homeless population on the streets.

One of the project sponsors, Muhammad Aydin, stated that their presence in Kano was to mark the Sallah celebration and share their sacrificial meat with the Muslim community.

He expressed gratitude for the warm reception they received from the Kano State government and the people of the state.