11th Wedding Anniversary Celebration: Actress Mercy Johnson Okojie and Husband Share Lovely Family Photos

Marking their 11th wedding anniversary on August 26, Actress Mercy Johnson Okojie and her husband, Prince Odi Okojie, delighted fans with a series of heartwarming family portraits.


“Chapter 11. #princeodiokojie held my hands and promised never to let it go. We still fresh like yesterday. Thank you Lord #mytradanniversaryday26thaug#” she wrote as the caption accompanying the Instagram photos.


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Actress Mercy Johnson Okojie and husband, Prince, release lovely family photos as they celebrate 11th wedding anniversaryActress Mercy Johnson Okojie and husband, Prince, release lovely family photos as they celebrate 11th wedding anniversaryActress Mercy Johnson Okojie and husband, Prince, release lovely family photos as they celebrate 11th wedding anniversaryActress Mercy Johnson Okojie and husband, Prince, release lovely family photos as they celebrate 11th wedding anniversaryActress Mercy Johnson Okojie and husband, Prince, release lovely family photos as they celebrate 11th wedding anniversary